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Branch of knowledge: 07 Management and Administration
Specialty: 072 Finance, Banking and Insurance
Educational and professional program: Evaluation activity
Educational and professional level: professional junior bachelor’s degree
Qualification: expert appraiser
Period of study: on the basis of 9 classes -3 years; based on 11 classes - 2 years
Specialty mission:

- the process of determining the value of property and property rights at the valuation date according to the procedure established by regulatory acts is the result of the practical activity of the subject of the valuation activity and the preparation of conclusions on the value of the property;

- Independent valuation of property is considered the valuation of property carried out by the subject of valuation activity - the entity. Procedures for property valuation are established by regulations on property valuation.

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Graduates may work in the following positions:

- an appraiser;

- an expert appraiser;

- an auctioneer;

- an appraiser (expert appraisal of property).

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